So, How Exactly Did I Go From A
.180 BA To A Division 1 All-American

(In Just 3 Seasons...)

From: Trey Sikes
Atlanta, Georgia

Let me know if you have heard this before...

"If You Work Hard, The Results Will Come..."

Unfortunately, that's not entirely true...
As a parent, you just want to see your child succeed at anything they love and have passion for...

So you take them to an "expert" for private lessons which cost you a FORTUNE.

They put in so much time and effort into their craft, but they just aren't seeing the results you'd expect at this point.


Now, you are searching the internet high and low for a secret drill, ANYTHING that may help your child become a better hitter...

Is that why you're here right now...?

My name is Trey Sikes and I am a 2014 Division 1 All-American DH and I want to be your personal hitting coach!
I was known for one thing......HITTING!

But that wasn't always the case....

See, My Junior Year in High School, I finished the season with a .180 batting average...

That summer, I met a gentleman named Frank Gregory.  He told me he could help teach me how to hit, and coming off a season of hitting .180, I had nothing to lose so I took him up on his offer.

First day together, he introduced me to this weird looking training bat that I have never even seen before, but he insisted that I use it, so I agreed.

We worked together in the cages 5 days a week, 2 weeks straight leading up to my first summer ball game.  Let it be known, the only bat I swung for those 2 weeks was this new training bat that he insisted I use...

So the day has come for my first summer ball game.  I am excited to put my new swing to the test...

First at bat, I am facing a lefty on the mound...

He throws me a two-seamer that cuts right back over the middle of the plate.  I swing as hard as I can and.....

BOOM!!!!  I hit a homerun out to left center...

It was at that exact moment, I had my epiphany...

Just two weeks after I started working with Frank and using this new training bat and I just hit my first homerun of my high school career...

Fast forward 3 years down the road, and I was elected a Division 1 All-American...

Crazy, Right...?

I went from a .180 hitter to a Division 1 All-American in just 3 seasons...

You may be wondering...

"What Did Frank Teach You...?"

When I started working with my hitting coach (Frank Gregory), I didn't know this, but he was taking me through his 2 week training program...

I had so much success throughout my career that I decided to teach it as well...

So, I Created The 
CamWood All-American 30 Day Program

This program is a daily trainer that tells you EXACTLY what drills to do and EXACTLY how many swings to take each day for the next 30 days...

The purpose of this program is to teach the proper swing mechanics of staying inside the ball..

While also significantly increasing Bat Speed & Power!!

It is broken down into 4 weeks...

Week 1: Proper Bat Path

Week 2: Lower Half

Week 3: Full Swings

Week 4: Bat Speed & Power 

You may be thinking right now...

How Do I Know If I Am Doing The Drills Correctly...?

When you access the All-American 30 Day Challenge today, you will also get access to our CamWood Coaching...
Text Coach Hotline - Get Access to the CamWood Coaching Text Hotline..

If you have a question or want a video critique, send a text the Coach Hotline and have access to the CamWood Coaching Staff at your fingertips...

Weekly Live Zoom Calls - The CamWood Coaches go live every Thursday on Zoom.

Join in and ask as many questions as you need to ensure your success!

Private CamWood Community - The CamWood Community is a PRIVATE Discord chat where you will be able to interact with other members of the CamWood Community...

And interact with the CamWood Coaching Staff...

Watch the clip below to see how EASY it is to interact with the CamWood Coaching Staff...

What Age Group Is This Program For...?

I have implemented this program with players of all ages from 6 year olds to professional players....

What did they all have in common...?

When you dedicate yourself to the process, the results are UNMATCHED...

What Kind Of Results Can I Expect...?

"I went from not being able to hit the ball out of the infield, to hitting 15 homeruns OFF OF A TEE in just 30 Days..." - Caleb 12u

"In his first tournament after the All-American Program, Gray here hit back to back to back homeruns" - Gray 8u

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